KeepActive : Archaeology for senior citizens and older people in and around Inverness in Scotland
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The list which follows shows the name, venue and contact details for 4 organisations whose activities include "Archaeology" in Inverness and the surrounding area listed alphabetically within towns. Please refer to the list on the left hand side of the page for other types of activity.

Each entry in the list will offer information regarding meeting days and times plus a number of choices whereby you can be transferred to the website of an organisation, send an email or text message to the organiser, view the location on a map or find a contact number to call.

Inverness : Inverness Field Club, Millburn Academy Click for contact details
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Our members, who come from all walks of life, meet regularly throughout the year. Our varied interests include natural history, geology, archaeology and local history. These are reflected in our extensive lecture and excursion programmes.

Evening lectures from experts in their field are held once a month from Autumn to Spring in the hall at Millburn Academy, Inverness. These are free of charge to members.

Summer study excursions for members are organised, at cost, to all parts of Scotland. These take place on Saturdays.

On joining you will receive full details of the lecture and excursion programmes.

While keeping faith with the spirit of our predecessors, today's Field Club hopes, by this varied range of activities, to stimulate an interest in, and an understanding of, our local environment, history and heritage.

ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN - click on website for details

Meeting Times
   Wednesday : 1900 to 2100 Monthly

   Lectures take place in New Millburn Academy Assembly Hall, Diriebught Road, lnverness at 7.30 p.m (doors open at 7.00 p.m.).
   We meet once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday, from October to March inclusive, with one exception. We take the 2nd Wednesday in December to accommodate use by the school.

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Avrils Travels - Luxury minivan trips for Seniors in the Inverness Area
Smithton : U3A, Smithton-Culloden Free Church Click for contact details
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University of the Third Age.

Groups include Archaeology, Music Study. Art Appreciation, Nature Wanderers, Books, Philosophy, Photography, Bridge, Psychology, Classical Civilisation, Recorders, Current Affairs, Science, Family History, Walking, Geology, Table Tennis, History, Theatre, IT, Topical Issues.

Please refer to the U3A site for full details of groups and activities.

Meeting Times
   Monday : 1400 to 1600
   Tuesday : 1400 to 1600
   Wednesday : 1000 to 1200
   Thursday : 1400 to 1600
   Friday : 1000 to 1200

   Meet in various locations including Gordon Hall, Smithton Free Church and in members' houses.
   According to the group, meetings can be weekly, fortnightly, monthly or variable.
   Please contact U3A for exact times and locations.
   Not known

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Strathpeffer : North of Scotland Archaeological Society, Strathpeffer Community Centre Click for contact details
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This is an organisation for all those interested in archaeology, whether just starting, or a professional archaeologist. All are welcome!

NOSAS is actively involved with many different archaeological activities in the Highlands. We organise field trips and monthly evening discussion group meetings during the winter for members. In the summer we are often involved in our or other people's digs, developing our excavation skills. Training in field skills is a core part of what we do.

Our activities are open to members, everyone is welcome to join. A full description of who NOSAS is, what we have done in the past and what our current activities are can be found on our website:

If you are interested in archaeology or heritage in the Highlands, do have a look, and do get in touch

Meeting Times
   Thursday : 1930 to 2100 Monthly

   Check the what's on section of the website for full details of field-walking trips, site prospection, recording and surveying weekends, participation in digs, and meetings on archaeological topics.
   Membership is currently £15 per year

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Tomatin : Strathdearn Natural History Club, Strathdearn Hall Click for contact details
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The aim of Strathdearn Natural History Club is to increase the understanding and enjoyment of the landscapes, geology, flora, fauna and archaeology of Strathdearn

Meeting Times
   Thursday : 1930 to 2130 Monthly

   Generally 4th Thursday of month, September to April for indoor meetings. Field trips from time to time
   Days may vary, so look out for posters.
   Not known

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