KeepActive : Send a message to &[] in &[meetings.d.location], &[meetings.d.locality]


Your message has been sent to in .

Please Click here to return to the directory. Please Click here to return to the directory. Please Click here to return to the directory. Please Click here to return to the directory. Please Click here to return to the directory. Hello A user of the KeepActive website has seen details of your organisation on our site at and used the site's message facility to contact you. The details of the enquirer are as follows; Name : Email : Phone : and their message is as follows; You can send a message to this person by replying to this email. If you have any problems then please let us know by using the Contact Us button which you will find on the home page of We would also be grateful if you could take a moment to have a look at your entry in the directory and let us know if it can be added to or improved in any way. Regards Inverness Men's Shed (Managers of the KeepActive Directory) Hello A user of the KeepActive website has seen details of your organisation on our site at and used the site's message facility to contact you. The details of the enquirer are as follows; Name : Email : Phone : and their message is as follows; You can send a message to this person by replying to this email. If you have any problems then please let us know by using the Contact Us button which you will find on the home page of We would also be grateful if you could take a moment to have a look at your entry in the directory and let us know if it can be added to or improved in any way. Regards Inverness Men's Shed (Managers of the KeepActive Directory) wants to know more about ''. Pls call on . A user of the KeepActive Directory has had a text message sent to the above organisation and to the number . The details are as follows; Name : Email : Phone : Ooops!

Please answer the 'singer question'...


Don't think that could be described as a famous singer!!

Maybe try answering that question again..

Please use this form to contact in with any questions or queries which you may have.

Please provide a telephone number so that the recipient can respond to your enquiry. We need your phone number as we will be sending your enquiry in the form of a mobile text message since we do not have an email address on file for this organisation.

Please note that since we do not have an email address for this contact we are sending a text message to their mobile phone asking them to contact you..

There is no charge to you for this facility.

Please enter your message in the box below.

Before sending your message, maybe take a moment to make sure that your email address and/or phone number is correct so that you can be contacted.

Just to prove that you are 'real person' and not piece of irritating software sending us junk and spam email, please select the name of a famous American singer from the drop-down box.             why?Unfortunately we have to do this to prevent the system being swamped by automated spam.
Hopefully real people will know who the singer is!